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Showing posts from August, 2012

The Unbearable Lightness of Being 40

 *This blog was originally an article published on's Dating site, 2005. Bio: Laurie Wiegler is a Milford,CT-based journalist who usually writes about the environment, green living and engineering. She wrote this in 2005. Title: "The Unbearable Lightness of Being 40" Article:       When I was young, I used to ridicule (usually privately) those pathetic middle-aged men hitting on young girls.   What were they trying to relive, anyway?   And why wasn't someone of, say, my mother's age good enough for them?       At 23, I interviewed a gifted concert pianist, age 50.   I was   impressed by his gifts and flattered that he considered me equally gifted   as a writer (ahem).   Following him and his entourage around one night, I   soon got invited to a New Year's Eve bash at his house -- out of   town.   After mulling it over, I decided to bus it out to Bakersfield that cold   California night, certain that I'd be well take